Friday, October 29, 2010

Our TV stand is lonely!

Our house is pretty much free of electronics today! Last night we came home from a Halloween party to find that we had been robbed. I couldn't believe it. It's one of those things you think will never happen to you. They took both our TVs, all our computers, our Wii, dvd players, and even my Roomba vacuum! I thought they had taken some of my jewelry because it was all over the place, but it was all there! I don't own but a couple of valuable pieces, and those were the things that have sentimental value, so I'm so thankful they passed over them! It felt awful to know someone had been in our house, going through our stuff. We are usually home on Thursdays because we host a small group from church every week. But this week our small group helped us throw a big Halloween party at Monterone so we were all over at the Clubhouse. We were thankful to have everybody there helping us out when we found out we were robbed though.

I put some fall decorations on our TV stand to keep it from looking so lonely.

This is me making Addalie's Halloween costume. It's one of those times when I feel like a mom because my mom always made our costumes. I thought, "How many more of these do I have in my future?"

I was a chef with a "bun in the oven" for the party. The top part says "Bake with care. Cook at womb temperature for 7 more weeks. Expect finished bun by mid-December." I know I'm cheesy, but it was fun!

And here is my little Pebbles Flinstone!
Her shirt kept curling up too much b/c it was made from a cut up t-shirt, but hey, she's one, she can show a little belly!
Yes, her hair is orange. She loved it, especially since orange seems to be her favorite color these days. Her little boyfriend from church is Bam Bam, so we will get a pic with him and post it later!

All in all, it's been quite an eventful few days. The party took tons of time and preparation, and was a success! There were probably any where from 150-200 people there and we had a lot of fun! It was not so much fun to come home and experience the fear of knowing someone had robbed you, but we are so thankful it wasn't worse and none of us were home at the time. You know, looking back over the past few years, I've had a lot of things stolen from me. My car, two cell phones, my jewelry, our cars broken into, and now this. I think God is making sure I realize that material possessions are not important! Lesson learned! I am so thankful for what he has given me outside of material blessings. I have a wonderful family and our friends last night just made me feel so blessed. By the way, thanks to the Magees for the use of their computer to write all this on!

Oh, and if you are wondering, we did have insurance so everything should be taken care of :)

Friday, October 22, 2010


The Murphy's came over tonight to watch the Rangers head to the World Series.

Right before this picture we was taken, we were trying to think of something to mock the Claw and Antlers, but we came up with nothing.

And a picture of our girl sleeping tonight. We know.....she has a rough life!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Getting some Practice

Yesterday, Addalie's friend Timmy came over while his mom went and got some things done. Addalie loved having a baby in the house and just wanted to hold him and give him lots of love.

Don't worry Kristen, she was very careful!

Also, here is our sweet girl sleeping.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mobile Blog

This is our first update using our phone. I don't know why we didn't try this sooner since most of the pictures we take are on our phones. Hopefully This will result in more updates!

Addalie was helping out with laundry...

We set up Addalie's swing outside, so we have been outside a lot ever since. She would swing all day if we would let her. She is pretty easy to please.

This is Addalie sitting with Ms. Jane, our wonderful neighbor right below us. She gave Addalie a stuffed pumpkin for Halloween.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we finally, finally had a Saturday at home with no huge event or traveling going on! It was fabulous! We relaxed and did stuff around the house, and spent lots of time cuddling with Addalie, then we went to the pumpkin patch to let Addalie pick out her first pumpkin!
She loved all the pumpkins everywhere. She kept calling them "punkies!"

Hmm, smells good!

So excited!

Me at 31 weeks. Livin large.

Couldn't get her to smile for anything!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Feels Like Home

I'm finally home to stay for a while! I feel like I've just been preparing for or recovering from one trip or another for the past few weeks. I've had a wonderful time at each place though. The first weekend in October I got to hang out with some of the greatest girls I've known. 12 friends from college and I met up at Rebecca Schaefer's family lake house to hang out for the first time in four years. It was awesome to be back with everyone! I am so thankful for the friends that God gave me during college. Each one is still walking with the Lord and doing well, and just as funny as ever! Can't wait to do it again!
This is one of my favorite pics from the weekend!

Last week my parents came downfor Keirah, Leif, and Emry's birthday party, then I rode back with them to Welch to spend some time with family there. I'm not getting to go back for Christmas because of the baby, so I wanted to see my grandparents and others before the end of the year. Kyla and her girls were there, and Landon was on fall break, so I got to spend time with more family than I thought I would!

Mom graciously gave me, Ava, and Addalie pedicures! Addalie loved how the foot scrub tickled her feet!

Kyla and sweet little Micah

With Mama Brown and Papa Brown!

And Meme and Grandad!

Addalie loved the horse's hair, and was frustrated that they wouldn't let her touch it!

She wore Papa out asking him to go up again and again!

I think Addalie would spend her life on the swings if I let her.

Just chillin with Micah!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Where's momma???

For the second weekend in a row Sena is out of town and I get to keep Addalie and spoil her all weekend!! I figured since we hadn't posted in a while,(and by "we", I mean Sena), I would post some random pictures of our girl....

This is what I walked into this afternoon after Addalie woke up. She knocked over the lamp by her bed and broke it, and decided to throw everything else that was in her crib out. When I walked in, she was very proud of herself and said "Hi daddy"

We have stopped letting Addalie have her pacifier except at night and during nap. However, anytime she is in the proximity of her room, she starts saying "pappy? pappy?" and begins to look for one. They are usually under her bed because she throws them out!

Here she is in her wagon having a great time!