Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cute girls

My niece Emry joined us at our weekly Bible study this week. She sat in my lap for a while and looked at pictures of Addalie on my phone. The whole time she was so excited and kept pointing and saying "Alawee!" Then she sat in the chair and read her book. When I said, "Emry, smile" this is what she gave me! She is so cute and so fun.

Daniel kept Addalie for me today so I could get a lot done. When I got home, he had a ton of pictures laying out on the table. He took her to get one year pictures taken and they all turned out so cute! Here is one of our favorites. I know I'm biased, but I just can't get over how beautiful and sweet she is!


  1. awww super cute pictures- you are right?!:) and how sweet of Daniel to do it for you! That always stresses me out so I would love for someone to just take over like that! Where did he take her?!

  2. you are sooo right! she's adorable. my mom called after kanyon's wedding to tell me how precious she is, so she must be exceptional! miss you!

  3. Sena you aren't biased...she is beautiful, just like her mom!
