Saturday, June 19, 2010

Oh How I Love Family TIme

Daniel has had this weekend off and so we have tried to do some fun family stuff. I love being a stay at home mom, but everyday I look forward to Daniel coming home and love it when he doesn't have to work! Addalie loves it too. It's amazing how she seems so content when we are all together.

We went to the park with a splash pad today and had a picnic. Addalie loved having Daddy there this time because he likes to get soaking wet and was a lot more daring than I would have been. Us moms like to play it safe and not force the kids to do anything that they might not like. But Daniel just took her out there and put her right down in the middle with water pouring all over her. Of course she loved it. How cute is this picture?

Addalie was very concerned about the boy laying down.

Playing on the swing afterward. She just laughs hysterically the whole time!

My beautiful daughter.

1 comment:

  1. Love that last pic of her in the swing-she is gorgeous!
