We have been so busy this past week! We have completed our final major CARES events, which brings mixed emotions, attended birthday parties, gone to the doctor a lot, and more! First, let me fill you in with what's been going on with Asher.
I've been itching really bad for the past couple of weeks all over, and Daniel finally made me call the doctor about it. I felt silly because I was sure it was just dry skin. Turns out there is a condition called cholestasis (I probably spelled it wrong) where your liver slows down due to the pregnancy and it makes toxins back up in your system, thus causing severe itching. So I've been waiting this past week for bloodwork to come back to see whether or not I had this. I found out today that I am only in the beginning stages of it and it's not bad, but my doctor suggested we go ahead and induce since I'm full term and so uncomfortable. So... as of right now, we are planning on going in Wednesday night! Woohoo! It's baby time!
It's possible I could change my mind before then, so I'll keep you posted. I have mixed feelings about being induced. I'm really ready to have this baby and really can't imagine waiting any more, itching, and not sleeping. Plus, this week is such a better time for everybody than next week. But I really wanted to do this naturally like I did Addalie and labor at home for as long as possible. So everybody please pray that I go into labor naturally in the next couple of days!
Ok, so that's the update. Here are some random pictures of what we've been doing lately!
Pics of Addalie playing at a Gymboree birthday party! She loved it!
I'm just now getting caught up on your blog! I have gotten horrible at keeping up. Your Christmas decorations look great! I love your stockings! Ava is completely amused by the picture of Daniel dressed up like Santa and keeps wanting to look at it again and again. :)