That's what we are up to right now- waiting. Waiting for a house, waiting for the job to pick up, waiting on a slower-than-dial-up-internet. Waiting.
We have looked at every house in both Lamesa and Brownfield and have found some promising one, but nothing that was quite right. Well, one was, but they refused to come down on the price. So we said we would be patient and wait for something else to come on the market. Well, one came up that is not even on the market yet- just a lady we heard about that was going to put it up for sale soon. So we went and looked at it and it is a contender. It's big but I would want to change so much about it. So we are just trying to decide if it would be the best option for us. I think we may put in an offer and if they go above what we want, we will walk away. Pray for us on this! We are still trying to figure out which town we should even live in! I'm so thankful for my parents letting us live here. I know it can't be easy!
Daniel is still in training at BE Implement. He's still not exactly sure where or what he will be doing permanently, but he is hanging in there. He gets to go to St. Louis on Monday for work, so that should be fun! The kids are also doing pretty good. They have broken a few things already, but thankfully the grandparents are forgiving!
Please keep praying for us as so much in our life is still up in the air!
Hang in there Sena! You are making some good memories right now even though I know it's hard not to be in your own home. I miss y'all and can't wait to see you again.