We just got back from a long trip to Texas. Though it seems like we were gone forever, it's never enough time to see everybody we want to see. We were constantly on the move, trying to visit everyone and actually get some good visiting time in. We had a great time though and can't wait to get back!
There are a lot of pictures on this post, but not even a fraction of what we took.
I should note that if you ever want to look at our pictures, just click on the link at the upper right corner of our blog that says "Come See Us."
Our first stop was in El Paso to see Gran-D, Pop, and Gam. It was fun to go back to Scotsdale Baptist to see old friends.
We had dinner with Mike and Paula Carnahan and their family. Addalie thought their granddaughter Maddie was pretty funny!
Maddy and Addy!
Next stop was Welch. We were fortunate enough to be close to Ryan and Suzanne in Earth so we spent a night with them. It was Addalie's first time to meet her cousin Bonnie!
We then returned to Welch so Addalie could meet the millions of family members that live around there!
Addalie getting some floor time after being in her car seat all day long.
Addalie just talking to Papa!
Nana knew how to make Addalie laugh!
Addalie and 4 of her great-grandparents. (Mama & Papa Brown and Meme & Grandad)
Addalie got to meet her 3rd cousin Cory. We could not get them interested in each other! Cory just wanted to sleep and Addalie seemed indifferent.
We stopped in Abilene on our way to Round Rock to see some friends and visit our old college campuses. We realized just how much we love and miss Abilene and the people there. We had an awesome time having dinner with old friends. Daniel and I agree that given the chance to go back, we would in a heartbeat.
Daniel getting to show Addalie around the Hardin-Simmons campus.
Our final stop was Round Rock where we visited my sister Jada and her family. Addalie hadn't met anybody except Jada and Emry, and it was a lot of fun watching the other kids with her.
Keirah loved holding Addalie.
Emry and Addalie took a bath together. Emry seemed to enjoy it.....Addalie, not so much!
Aunt Jada with Addalie after her bath.
The girls hanging out outside on Jada's new swing.
One last picture before we got back on the plane back to Dayton. We all had a great time visiting with family. Addalie's first long distance trip was a success and she did so good with all the traveling.